Monday, August 9, 2010


Sunrise at 25km hr....

Don't tell my mum I was riding and taking photo's at the same time.

I have seen plenty of sunsets since being in Darwin this is my first sun rise... Pretty good shots for 25km hr...

Some flat road...

More flat road...

A river... Some big fish in here... I gues a croc or two aswell.

OMG!!!!! The End.... 146km is a very long way when you have only done 2, 25km training rides. For a ride like this I would normally have 2-3 months of solid prep, out every weekend and build up to the big distance... not this time. My bike arrived 1 1/5 weeks before the ride and I was very slack in getting on it I must admit.

10km out from the end I'd had enough... I was sitting on the side of the road waiting for a lift... some riders rode past and shouted "it's only 6km to go"... I was like I've had enough.... Then another lady I was riding with at the start of the day rode past and slowed... she said "get up Alisha it's only 6km I'm not stopping as I'll never get started again"

What a trooper I am, I got back on the bike for the so called 6km.... WELL it was more like 10km but it felt like 100km..... But when I finally saw the water.... OMG.....OMG....OMG.... And i could not even swim in it..... stupid croc's....

So the trip home was great... 25minutes on a boat and I was back where I had started 8 hours ago.... YES... just over 8 hours to ride 146km....

The bikes took up most of the boat..

Stupid croc's, look at how good the water looks....

1 comment:

  1. wow! I didn't even know you'd started one up.

    I've been wondering about how you are going? It's great to see pictures to go with what's been happening! Are you planning on staying there for a while? How's the van??

    Great job on the bike ride - I've never ridden more than 20k in a row, and in fact I just got back into riding and had a stack within the first 2 minutes of riding (embarrassing, not injurious!)
    be well,
